2013年12月2日 星期一

102.12.2 Copywriting

Resource: http://www.sharenator.com/Very_creative_advertisement_from_WWF/

1.What kinds of headline was used?
It's an informative headline.

2.Was there a subhead and a slogan?
The slogan was ''Before it's too late.'' in the bottom of right corner. No subhead.

3.Was the visual attractive?
I think it was attractive. The lung-shape forest first draws our attention and we can see one fourth of the forest was destroyed. 

4.Was the overall lay-out creative? Does it make the readers think? In what way?
Yes, it was creative!  I think the author used the lung-shape forest to symbolize that forest is the heart of our earth. And we should stop cutting trees and wasting natural resources. It tells that we are responsible for protecting the earth. 

